Welcome 2016. I Need a Nap.
But I’ll settle for new Downton Abbeys. Continue reading…
But I’ll settle for new Downton Abbeys. Continue reading…
And…….scene. Continue reading…
From secondary to primary colors, virtually overnight. Continue reading…
What do unicorns and super heroes have in common? Nothing, but that doesn’t stop him. Continue reading…
For the love of…how many Halloween bins does one person need? Answer: one more now. Continue reading…
How do I go from apples to fear factor? A week on the Block, that’s how.Continue reading…
Wow, I can get a lot done when I’m not bothered by a pesky “job”. Continue reading…
So, we have a lot of ground to cover. Let’s get to it. Continue reading…
There’s 104 days of summer vacation and school comes along just to end it. So the annual problem for their generation is finding a good way to spend it – PROBLEM SOLVED.Continue reading…
This post is more for the relatives. I say that as a disclaimer that I’m not a “look at my little angels and bask in their every action which is perfection” type of parent. More, a “hey we spend an aircraft carrier load of money on these music classes, I need to show some aunts and uncles” type of parent. You can look at it if you aren’t related to us, of course, but don’t be sanctimommying me about it. M’k? Continue reading…