What I Like About URL

Just browsing the internet this week:

This teenager is the type of teenager we all hope to raise.

However, this is more the reality of my boys right now.

I was kind of hoping these would be part of the summer sale at Nordstrom.  And they are!

Um, I didn’t accidentally buy this small couch at Homegoods, but I might go back and accidentally do so.  Wonder if it’s still there?  Will it look right in the living room?


I kind of want these herb pots from Anthropologie.  Because I need more stuff on my kitchen counters. There’s still a part where you can still see a little granite.

These Fruity Pebbles Krispy Treats are going on the need-to-make-next list.

This photographer takes beautiful portraits of shelter animals.  Think, think, does Skunk need 5 dog brothers?

Happy weekend!